
Complete Organic Garden Health System

Certified organic inputs for Your Soil

Welcome to Palo Alto

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"From urban potted patios and porches , to the larger veggie patch, native garden features and everything inbetween- Australians can now nourish their bodies and homes with only the key ingredients that are scientifically proven to advance soil, plant and ultimately human health... Nothing more , and nothing less- in times like today that's truley dynamic."

26 products

"Great for big feeders" -energy booster

"Organic Soil Wetter & Feeds Microbes"- carbohydrates for your soil

"Drives Growth"-proteins & fats for your soil, think omega 3's

"Microbially Active Rock Minerals"-vitamin pill for your soil

"Stimulates Immunity"-the green smoothie for your soil "

"As the name says 3 starter essentials"

The Lot Bundle- 'free shipping "
Best value - size med
Save up to 12%

"If you have big feeders this is the ultimate buy "

"High in Calcium 3%, Magnesium 1% Potassium 5%"- the synergist