Seed germination – tick! Plant growth – tick! Chlorophyll production –tick! Nitrogen fixation – tick! Better nutrient uptake...blimey, another bloody tick! For both root and foliar applications, this product also elicits a response from the plant’s genetically programmed defence systems. Aminosan is a unique and powerful marine extract that ticks ALL the boxes when it comes to natural plant growth and superior strength. What a ripper!

    • Bio-stimulant
    • Plant elicitor
    • Improve plant resistance to pathogens
    • Improve chlorophyll production 

     Application Rates:

    Foliar: 1 Lt/ Ha. Dilute in 400-600L water/Ha. Apply when the crop is stressed or

    under threat from environmental conditions. Repeat application every 3-4 days

    during this time.

    Fertigation: 1.5Lt/ Ha. 2-3 times per growing season.

    Compatibility: compatible with most materials.

    * Ensure spray water is slightly acidic

    Keep out of reach of Children

    Contact may cause eye or skin irritation.

     Typical Analysis

    Carbon 5%
    Nitrogen (as amino) 2.1%
    Phosphorus 0.2%
    Potassium 0.5%




    Zinc 80 ppm
    Iron 54 ppm
    Manganese 80 ppm
    Boron 42 ppm
    Sulphur 0.1%
    Molybdenum 0.11 ppm
    pH 5.5-6.0
    Solubility 100%
    Appearance dark brown liquid